I swam blindly into the floodwaters called reality.
Too tired—too numb to fight,
The current slammed me into the blocked dam of my emotions.
The dam burst.
Water poisoned from sitting stagnant for decades,
Spewed onto innocent bystanders,
Harming those who were closest.
The water gushed and then flowed,
Flowing until the pure spring of my soul was free.
When the river had calmed and the debris had cleared,
I kicked my legs, pulled my elbow out of the water,
And turned my head to breathe.
I was no longer thrashing about fighting,
Words that did not match actions,
Painted pictures at odds with photographs.
I swam past the grieving of all that never really was
to a resigned acceptance.
Sunrise lit the sky with the clarity of consciousness
I stretched my arms, legs fluttering, and filled my lungs with fresh air.
I was free.
Free to choose which tributary to travel,
Free to go backward or forward,
or to simply sit on the river bank and rest.
- Stacy Wilder
This poetry has been provided with the intent for it to be shared, provided credit to the author is made. Please include “Written by Stacy Wilder” and a link to if shared online. If printed, include the same citation and the name of the website